Counter Fraud and organised crime
FINTELKT and the Philippines AMLC conducted a summit in November 2020, where our AML and compliance specialist, Mark Nuttall, gave his professional input. The recap of that event has recently been released by FINTELEKT and AMLC.
He spoke on the following in two separate sessions:
‘Fraud Investigations – Experiences and Best Practices’ and ‘Investigating and Prosecuting Transnational Crimes’

Singapore head writes a featured article for the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Strategic Hub on Organised Crime (SHOC)
We are pleased to announce that our Singapore Country Manager, Mark NUTTALL, has had an article published in ‘The Informer’.
‘The Informer’ is an online platform published by the Royal United Services Institute, Strategic Hub on Organised Crime (RUSI SHOC). ‘The Informer’ collaborates with the European Consortium for Political Research's Standing Group on Organised Crime (ECPR-SGOC), one of the standing groups of the ECPR. The editorial board includes representatives from the University of Bath, Oxford University, the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Sao Paulo, Sofia University and Flinders University.