Risk intelligence (12/03/2021) - China
On Thursday, 11 March, the National People’s Congress (NPC) adopted the “Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035,” or the 14th Five-Year Plan (14FYP), at the conclusion of the annual “Two Sessions” meeting in Beijing.
The document contained few, if any, surprises – the key principles and content were previewed at the 5th Plenum last October – but significantly clarified the path charted for the next five years. In this analysis, we aim to provide an initial reading of what we perceive to be the most important takeaway for major multinationals: the possible implications for data security policy.

CNN - Analyst gives comment on China
CNN has published an article on risks associated with travel and safety, when considering business in China. Our risk intelligence lead, Ian BETTS, gave leadership comment on Thomas Nunlist’s input.
“The risk of arbitrary detention has been a cause of concern for multinational clients and other designations in China for more than a year. In this article our Senior Analyst for China, Thomas Nunlist, gives his view on the risks.”

Risk Intelligence (01/03/2021) - China
Last week, the Financial Times ran an editorial on HSBC’s “pivot to Asia,” a decision underpinned both by business interests and, according to the Editorial Board, a “recognition of the new political reality.” HSBC, perhaps more so than any other company, has found itself between a rock and a hard place in Hong Kong.
This short article sets out points and positions of interest and relevance.